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Our Philosophy

Our Spartan school counselors provide support to all students and help address their academic achievement, college and career readiness, and social and emotional development.  Topics can include:

  • Academic Achievement like course selection, time management, and graduation requirements
  • College and Career Readiness like how to apply to college, find scholarships and other financial aid, career information
  • Social and Emotional Development like anxiety and stress management and overall mental health, issues with boyfriends/girlfriends, concerns about getting along with siblings

Our Vision

Summit High School students pursue excellence across their lifespan. In five to ten years, they will be leaders in their local and global communities, living with integrity while respecting and welcoming the values of others. Our students will exercise autonomy and responsibility in their personal and professional lives, will be employed in careers that provide a living wage, and will readily adapt to the changing demands of the 21st century workforce as active lifelong learners.


Our Mission

The Summit High School counseling program cultivates growth for all student’s intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development. School counselors are leaders that collaborate with all stakeholders to develop and deliver a comprehensive, data-informed program that supports success for all students. School counselors identify gaps in equity and access, and advocate for systemic change. All students are provided a quality education to develop as life-long learners for post-secondary and beyond. 

Students are assigned School Counselors by last name

Extended Counseling Staff